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An ADHD assessment is a comprehensive evaluation conducted by healthcare professionals to determine if an individual meets the criteria for ADHD. It involves gathering information about the individual’s symptoms, history, and functioning in various areas of life.

ADHD assessments are typically conducted by healthcare professionals specialised in diagnosing ADHD. These professionals have the training and expertise to diagnose and treat ADHD.

Common symptoms of ADHD include inattention, hyperactivity, impulsivity, difficulty staying focused, forgetfulness, disorganisation, difficulty following instructions, and trouble with time management.

Yes, adults can undergo ADHD assessments. ADHD is a lifelong condition, and many individuals may not receive a diagnosis until adulthood. Adult ADHD assessments may focus on current symptoms, childhood history, and the impact of symptoms on daily functioning.

While there is no specific test that can definitively diagnose ADHD, healthcare professionals may use various tools and assessments to gather information. These can include rating scales, questionnaires, behavioural observations, and cognitive tests.

The duration of an ADHD assessment can vary depending on the individual and any specific assessment processes. It typically can take up to 2 hours.

During an ADHD assessment, you can expect to discuss your symptoms, medical history, and any challenges you may be experiencing. You will be asked questions about your childhood behaviour, school performance, and family history.

You will be asked to complete short screening questionnaires. Once this is complete you will be sent an appointment date and a link for the virtual appointment.

You will be asked to complete short screening questionnaires. Once this is complete you will be sent an appointment date and a link for the virtual appointment.

All ADHD assessments are online-remote via video call.

To begin with we will verify your identification through online means and may request your Driving Licence, Passport, or other forms of identification if you are under 16. The appointment is conducted as a semi-structured interview, utilising NICE Guidelines Clinical Assessment Tools. It’s important to note that the questions posed during the interview do not have right or wrong answers, and you are not being evaluated or tested. You will be asked to self-report, recalling from memory symptoms and events that have occurred in both your adult life and childhood.

You will receive your diagnosis at the end of the assessment. A full written report will be completed within 21 days of your appointment. A copy of this report is also sent to your General Practitioner.

Providing we have accurate details of your medical records and medication is a safe option; we are able to commence treatment after diagnosis. If further tests or information is required; you will be informed with regards to this.

We will conduct three weekly appointments via phone call to monitor and make any adjustments necessary to your medication.

To determine if ADHD medication is working, we look for signs such as improved focus and attention, reduced impulsivity, increased organisation and productivity, and improved mood and motivation. We will also use screening tools to compare your results.

We will apply for shared care by writing a letter to your GP with regards to your care

We will apply for shared care by writing a letter to your GP with regards to your care

Once your prescription is received you will have the option to take it to the pharmacy of your choice. You will need to pay for the full cost of the medicine plus a dispensing fee- this is separate to the cost of the assessment and any other charges related to the service. Please note; this is a private prescription fee charge.

Shared care is the transfer of clinical responsibility from a specialist service to general practice in which prescribing by the GP, or other primary care prescriber is supported by a shared care agreement.

Once you are stable and optimised on your medication, we will apply for shared care arrangement to your GP.

All shared care arrangements are voluntary thus practices are able to decline shared care requests based on clinical and capacity grounds.

ADHD Active will ensure continuity of care. This can be discussed further with your clinician. Repeat prescriptions will incur a monthly charge as set out in prices.

Getting an ADHD assessment can provide clarity and understanding of your symptoms and challenges. A formal diagnosis can help guide treatment options, interventions, and support strategies to manage ADHD effectively.

Remember, if you have concerns about ADHD, it is important to consult with a healthcare professional who can provide a proper assessment and guidance based on your specific situation.